
奥林匹克公园处于悉尼的地理中心,位于悉尼CBD和Parramatta的中间地带,20分钟到悉尼CBD,15分钟到第二CBD–Parramatta,其独特的区位特性,加上政府重点投资的2030规划使得该地区的楼盘项目炙手可热 ,

Sydney Olympic Park 是新州最重要工程的Westconnx的主要受惠得利地区!届时整个区域将连同悉尼两大CBD和国际机场,成为整个悉尼经济带的重要一环!

根据市政的规划上,不难看出这一区域将会建设成为一个悉尼的中心交通枢纽,M2 M3 M4 M5多条高速的打通,配合未来Westconnex,加上新轻轨的建设,政府承诺将10分钟便可以到达city。

不仅如此,原本成熟的配套也是十分完善,5分钟车程悉尼最大outlets DFO,10分钟车程就能到达悉尼人最常去的最大集散市场Sydney Market,和大型的美国连锁超市Costco。 同样现代化家居购物IKEA和购物中心就在不远的Rhodes,能满足您日常的全部需求,还有各大的澳洲本土超市。无论是买最新鲜的蔬菜水果,还是买Ferragamo 还是Burberry,或者去IKEA买家具,Olympic Park都能满足你!


• 联邦银行占地60000 平米的总部办公大楼,3500 平米的零售设施,以及3500 名员工已经入驻奥林匹克公园,成为各大公司进驻的开端.

• 投资数千万的4 座星级酒店将陆续建成。投资2 千万澳币,由QUEST 管理的酒店式公寓也将落成。

• GPT 集团的QUAD 商业园落户奥林匹克公园,被评为澳洲顶级商业园,荣获商业开发大奖。

• 投资3250 万澳币,占地7000 平米的昆士兰WATPAC 建筑公司总部大楼于2009 年底竣工。

• 耗资6 千万澳币的AV JENNINGS 公司总部建设计划已经获得开发许可。

作为悉尼四大经济中心之一,奥林匹克公园将成为未来的就业中心,众多著名企业的总部将迁入公园内,包括联邦银行,西太平洋银行,BP 公司总部等。数年内,展现于世人面前的,将是一个年轻、朝气蓬勃、完美高尚的现代化新社区!而能够拥有这有限的公寓项目的投资人,将坐享其丰富多彩的生活方式,以及投资物业增值的丰厚回报!

在未来的12 年内,总体规划达1,400,000 平米的开发蓝图将逐一被实现。届时,奥林匹克公园将承载每日45,000 人的工作人口,创造31,000 个就业机会,6,000 个新建筑,以及23,500 个居民人口。奥林匹克公园将成为独具特色的世界级运动、娱乐、休闲、教育和经济中心!

The Retreat is Sydney’s newest and most iconic resort-style master planned community centrally located in the corridor between Sydney CBD and Parramatta CBD, one of Australia’s fastest growing cities. A sculptural and significant green landmark in the rapidly evolving lifestyle hub of Sydney Olympic Park, a vibrant destination for cultural, entertainment, recreation and sporting events.

Meriton’s vision was to create a seamless, curved tower, rising 22 levels, which capture the spectacular panoramas of the surrounding precinct over Bicentennial Park and Parramatta River, through to the Sydney CBD from wrap around floor-to-ceiling glass windows and semi-enclosed balconies.

Location & Lifestyle

  • 650m to Olympic Park Train Station where it’s an express train ride to Sydney CBD, and just 20 minutes to Parramatta CBD
  • Sydney Olympic Park Wharf ferry services up Parramatta River to North Sydney or Circular Quay in just 30 minutes
  • The exciting Westconnex project which will see the M4 widening between Homebush and Parramatta and a tunnel from Homebush to Haberfield
  • Surrounded by numerous shopping destinations including Direct Factory Outlet, Rhodes Shopping Centre and Westfield Parramatta
  • In the heart of Sydney’s largest entertainment precinct, Sydney Olympic Park, which is home to ANZ Stadium, Qudos Bank Arena, Spotless Stadium and Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre and Sports Centre
  • Surrounded by Sydney’s finest schools and universities including University of Western Sydney, Australian Catholic University, James Ruse Selective High School, The Kings School, MLC Sydney, Santa Sabina College, Meriden and Trinity College
  • Bicentennial Park is just a 15-minute walk from the ground level featuring 40 hectares of beautiful parklands with gentle hills, playgrounds, bike and walking paths, picnic areas with shelters and BBQ areas, café and lakeside meadows

Future development of the area

  • The NSW Governments’ Carter Street Precinct Development Control Plan will see the transformation of this precinct into a premier commercial and residential district with Meriton’s The Retreat at the heart.
  • The Carter Street precinct will see the creation of a walkable urban community comprising a vibrant main street at Uhrig Road with generous footpaths for outdoor café seating, a 12,000sqm village square and high quality landscaping.
  • A new primary school with playing fields and 2.98 hectare park for recreation will provide extensive open space
  • Master Plan 2030 will make Sydney Olympic Park not only a premium destination for major events, recreational and entertainment activities, but also a world-class centre with 6,000 new dwellings, up to 14,000 new residents and 31,500 jobs.